SSI announces possible error in tritium emission calculations
This public notice, posted recently on the SSI website, is eerily reminiscent of a similar event several years ago in Pembroke when SRB Technologies Inc. discovered a 10-fold underestimation of its tritium emissions that had been ongoing for many years:
(From the Website of Shield Source Incorporated on April 8, 2012)
On March 28, 2012, we suspended operations to investigate potential errors in calculated HT emission data. HT is tritium gas that is emitted in small quantities from our exhaust stack during our production process. The CNSC was notified of this decision on the same day.
After consultation with independent consultants and the CNSC, we have decided to hire a third party consultant to install a parallel monitoring system to verify emission data during a limited production three day test scheduled to commence on April 3rd. Based on the values under consideration, this is not considered a threat to the public. Verified independent environmental sampling of air, water, and vegetation remains at historically safe levels. Additional information will be posted on this website as soon as it’s available.”
Note that SSI refers to “small quantities of tritium gas” being emitted from its exhaust stack. In fact, the tritium light factories, SSI in Peterborough, Ontario and SRB Technologies in Pembroke, Ontario are the two largest point sources for tritium gas emissions in the world, as far as we are aware.